Hearing loss can occur due to several common reasons – birth defects, infections, exposure to excessive noise, aging, genetics, and reaction to drugs or cancer treatment.
Some types of hearing loss can be hereditary. But not all hereditarily caused hearing loss appear early in life, they can appear later in life.
Yes, hearing loss can be found even amongst infants. When babies are born with hearing loss, it’s called congenital hearing loss. Hearing loss also can develop later in babies or during childhood or adulthood. Newborn babies have the best chance of hearing if their hearing loss is identified before the baby is 2 months old. The earlier a child gets hearing aids, the better.
Hearing loss can’t be restored as it is permanent. To prevent further hearing loss you can protect the hearing by taking precautions. Avoid exposure to loud music, loud noises in the background. Limit the use of electronic devices that can directly affect your hearing.
People who have noticeably no hearing problems should visit once in a while. Newborn Screening is recommended for newborns in the first 3 months of their lives. People above the age of 50 should get hearing screening annually. Early detection is helpful as it keeps all the treatment options open.
If you experience trouble in hearing, people have to repeat everything they say to you, this might be the first sign of hearing loss. You should visit an audiologist, he can examine and determine your hearing loss.
Hearing aids at Clear Sound improve your hearing, they can’t restore the natural functioning of your ear. Whereas there is no permanent solution to it, these aids make it easier for you to hear better.
The life expectancy of a Hearing Aid is about five to six years, after which it may require a tune-up or repairs. The high-quality hearing aids at Clear Sound, designed with experience & expertise can function well even after six years.
This depends on various factors like the degree of hearing loss, type of hearing aid that might fit, the shape of your outer ear, the shape of your ear canal, your ability to place and adjust the device. Clear Sound renders a team of experts to ensure complete quality assurance, transparency, and accurate diagnosis along with recommending the right fit for you.
Tinnitus is the most common hearing change that occurs in older adults. It is the ringing or buzzing sound in the ear that isn’t caused by external noise. By audiologists, it can be treated by Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT).
At Clear Sound we offer several diagnostic tests such as Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry, Auditory Steady-State Response, OAE: Oto-Acoustic Emissions. All these examinations are executed under professional guidance and modern facilities such as sound-proof rooms and labs.
Speech and Language Therapy
A Speech-Language Pathologist is a therapist who works with people of all ages having communication and swallowing related disorders or conditions, which includes:
- Speech sounds
- Literacy
- Social communication
- Voice
- Fluency
- Cognitive communication
- Feeding and swallowing
The type and the duration of treatment depends on the patient’s severity of the condition. At Clear Sound our Speech-Language Pathologists offer customized treatment plans for each client, which will focus on their specific needs and abilities.
At speech and language therapy a variety of conditions are addressed and treated that cause speech, language, communication, and swallowing difficulties. Common conditions or problems we treat include:
- Neurological conditions e.g. stroke
- Autism Spectrum disorder
- Learning difficulties
- Hearing loss and impairment
- Voice problems
- Speech disorder
- Eating drinking and swallowing difficulties
- Communication problems
In general, children at the age of 1 start using a single word, two-combination words at the age of 2, and three-word phrases at age 3. There can be several reasons why children don’t talk. Some of these reasons might be related to problems with hearing, muscle coordination, learning behavior, or experience. The assessment conducted by a speech-language pathologist will help you to understand if your child needs a professional or not.
In school, a child is exposed to a lot of new words and instructions, and if your child is having difficulties with talking and understanding before he/she starts school, then it is likely that he/she will have difficulties in school. A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) can help in improving the talking and understanding skills of your child.
Speech sound acquisition is developmental. That means that some sounds emerge early and other sounds are not fully developed until age 5 or 6. At age 2, we should be able to understand about 50 percent of what a child says. By age 3, we should be able to understand between 70 and 90 percent of what he says. Some of the last sounds to emerge are the “r,” th” and the “s” sounds.
Our centers treat people of all ages, from infants to adults.
Dysphagia refers to the difficulty in swallowing. It takes more effort than normal to move food from mouth to stomach. It can be caused by muscle or nerve problems. It is most common in older adults and babies. This painful disorder can be treated with the help of Swallowing Therapy.
People choke during a meal, under normal circumstances. But the swallowing problem has more symptoms and common signs, one should get themself checked if these symptoms appear frequently-
- Frequent choking on food
- Hesitancy in food passage for more than a few seconds
- Pain when swallowing
- Recurring pneumonia